
the rock star is back

This blog has been up since 2009... and if you've read the "about us" section of the blog, we claimed that Carl is a low-profile rock star. He is a rock star all right - in a lot of different ways. 

There are things that we like to do but has taken the back burner before we became busy growing up - finishing school, starting a family, and establishing a career. Carl used to tell me that he thinks I'm lucky because my passion, which is cooking, has never taken the back seat - and in fact has helped me cope with the stresses of growing up. He felt like he doesn't have an outlet for all the stress he has from work and stuff. Carl is a very hard worker. He is very focused. His work consumes him. He has big dreams for us that's why - and I think it is noble. But I've always reminded him that there is more to life than work. This life is ours to enjoy as well...

You might remember that Carl received an acoustic guitar for a Christmas gift in 2010. We played it once in a while, although we both were very busy with school and work. Anyway, Carl decided he'd get a bass guitar. He tried a couple of bass guitars and he finally fell in love with this...

Squier by Fender Vintage Modified Jaguar Bass

And so, a couple of months ago, my rock star is back in character. It all started with a couple of informal prodding from our friend Carlo. Before Carlo and his wife Joann moved to Provo for Joann's graduate school, Carlo was really into the band scene performing here and there in the Philippines. He misses it of course, and when he learned that Carl played the guitar, he invited Carl to have jam sessions with him. And their little band grew from there.

From L - R: Jon Kovach (percussion), Carlo Arce (lead),
Stephanie Surio (vocals), Carl Canlas (bass)

Lately, these guys are performing gigs here and there... they are still low profile, but I bet you'll agree that they are awesome! Watch their video below :)

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